We are Monroe Lodge 22. We have a rich history of service to our neighbors and friends in Monroe County and the state of Indiana. We are a fraternal organization dedicated to helping men realize their potential as good citizens, with tolerance for all people. Promoting philanthropy among its members, and to grow spiritually.

Please browse our website and learn about us. Our website will give you access to many resources to learn about Freemasonry and let you know how you can apply for membership.



Our Mission as Freemasons is to provide opportunities for sincere, honest, forthright men who believe in God and desire to contribute to the improvement if their community and themselves. Through our Masonic Fraternalism, we reaffirm our dedication and unity to become better citizens who have a strong desire to preserve the values of friendship, morality, and compassion for mankind.



Find out about our organization,
mission, our methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.


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Ready to take the next step? You can become a member.

Upcoming events at Monroe Lodge